Saturday, August 5, 2017

Pencil Sketch Still-Life workshop

Want to learn and do pencil sketch? Join Pencil Sketch- Still Life workshop.

Take your drawing skills to the test, see how good you are drawing still life objects. 
You will observe and draw the objects taking into consideration:
Outline, Shape, Proportions, Tone, Texture, Form and Composition.

Join us to spend a wonderful Sunday and do pencil sketch- still life.
Come with your friend, family member to have fun learning and find out more.
Target audience:  For Adults and Teenagers 16years old and above
Course date: 3Sept2017
Time: 2 to 4pm
Course duration: 2 hours
Venue: 8 Burn Road Trivex #15-16 Singapore 369977
Materials: Material will be provided.  
Free Materials
  •         A piece of Drawing Paper
  •         A 2B pencil
  •         A 4B pencil
  •         A 6B pencil
  •         A 8B pencil
  •         A piece of Kneaded eraser

About the trainer: Khoo Shu Hui
Educator’s website:
Shu Hui has many years of experience in doing drawing, painting, sketching and designing.
She has exposure to watercolour, pencil sketch, oil painting, colour pencils and markers. Shu Hui has experience teaching in Primary school and also co-teach Arts in Secondary school.

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