Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Kids’ Funtime with arts and craft

Mummies and Daddies,
Bring your kids to our workshop this September’s holiday!
Our fun-filled workshop instil confidence and creativity in your child through doing arts and craft. It’s also a great opportunity for them to make friends.
Come with your friend, family member to have fun learning and find out more.

 You child will learn and have fun doing
 • Vegetable printing
• Sponge printing
• Colouring and pasting, also using craft punch
• Bookmark

 Target audience: For Children 7 to 12 years old
 Course date: 7Sept2017
 Time: 2 to 4.30pm 
Course duration: 2.30 hours
Venue: 8 Burn Road Trivex #15-16 Singapore 369977
 Materials: Material will be provided.

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